Dr Jenna Macciochi has over 20 years' experience as a scientist researching the impact of lifestyle on our immune systems Frustrated by the volume of pseudoscience and misleading ‘immune boosting’ claims, Jenna is on a mission to break down the science behind the headlines and share science-based secrets of how to be well. However she does this in a very down to earth and accessible way for example her hugely successful Instagram account.
Jenna is a regular contributor to print and online media like The Times, Women's Health, Marie Claire, Glamour Magazine and Metro, speaking at wellness events and on podcasts as well as appearing on TV shows such as BBC HealthCheck UK. in Spring 2020 her debut book Immunity: the science of staying well And in February 2022 she released her second book: Your blueprint for strong immunity.
Dr. Jenna is also an Editor at Scientific Journals and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. And I am sure she is contributing hugely to the popularity of Science. She is a mother of a adorable 7 year old twins and a keen home cook, creating recipes inspired by her farm-to-table Scottish roots and capturing her husbands Italian heritage.
Based in Brighton, UK Dr. Jenna is a celebrated scientist and currently a lecturer a at Sussex University she does not only have a passion for food but also for movement, she is a trained fitness instructor focusing on pre- & post-natal women's fitness.
Dr. Jenna is one of those people out there on Instagram who you can follow guilt-free: she is down to earth, real, and the information and knowledge she shares is invaluable
My key takeaways - but there are so many more so go and listen to the show! :
Illness is normal! Normal human beings come down with a minor illness once or twice a year and we have to start accepting this so we are able to show up more productive
There is no such thing as an unlimited amount of energy in the body (really not....)
There are 5 levers for wellbeing, spoiler alert; they are easy and cheap!
You can find the show on your podcast platform or right here!
Enjoy the show and don't forget to share it if you like it ;)