My story
Although I believe that my purpose is the most important you need to know about me if you want to start working with me, I can imagine you might want to know a bit more about my background.
After a 'life' in consulting, where I was partner of a boutique consultancy firm in the Netherlands (focusing on strategy design, transformation and cultural change) life took a new turn.
​My family and I moved to Switzerland where I founded several companies in the field of wellbeing. Already a step closer to my purpose to help people unleash their full potential, an opportunity came up to create an even bigger impact: I joined one of the leading professional services firms. Here I was responsible for designing and executing a strategy to build a thriving culture. Once this was up and running I set up a coaching centre to build a coaching culture based on leadership excellence.

In my career again and again I have seen that the leaders who find their own authentic voice and style and dare to act upon that, are the ones who can truly make an impact in this world. Facilitating this transformation is what I am here to do! For exactly that reason I have started the podcast Let's talk Soul-Business, inspiring people to explore new and different approaches to life.

​Are you starting a new business or initiative?
I challenge you to start with your purpose and your values, and not with your product. And build your organisation around that. It makes all the difference.
​I am here for all of you who feel that there is more: more potential, more joy, more performance. I am here to support your success, unleash your potential and make an impact.